Call for Papers: Undergraduate Conference

The 2016 Greater Philadelphia Philosophy
Consortium Undergraduate Conference

presented by the Drexel University Department of English & Philosophy
and College of Arts & Sciences

9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Macalister Hall 2020
Chestnut and 33rd Streets
Drexel University
Philadelphia PA, 19104

Undergraduates are invited to submit philosophical essays suitable for a fifteen to twenty minute presentation on any topic to be followed by commentary and discussion. Papers must not exceed 2,500 words or 10 pages, double-spaced, and must be prepared for blind review. Reviewers will include Philosophy faculty and undergraduate Philosophy majors. The top eight submissions will be read at the conference and published in Fresh Philosophy, the undergraduate philosophy blog/journal of the GPPC.

Please send your submission by email attachment as an electronic file in .doc or .rtf format to Peter Amato at The deadline for submissions is Sunday, December 13, 2015. Notification of accepted papers wil be sent by Monday, February 1, 2016.

Commentators are needed to present brief remarks following each paper. If you are interested in being a commentator, whether or not you intend to submit a paper, let us know. For further information email Peter Amato at or download an informational PDF.