The Critical Theory Workshop

GPPC member institution, Villanova University, co-sponsors:

The Critical Theory Workshop /
Atelier de Théorie Critique

Theme 2014: The Janus Face of Democracy:
Urgency of an Untimely Question

4 weeks in July 2014
Université Paris Descartes
45 rue des Saints-Pères
Paris, France

The Critical Theory Workshop or Atelier de Théorie Critique is an intensive graduate-level seminar, which takes place every summer in Paris. The primary objective of the Workshop is to provide an international forum for interdisciplinary and comparative research in critical theory, broadly construed. Students are exposed to the work of contemporary thinkers and engage with current debates in the Francophone world.

The Workshop is comprised of a research seminar at the Université Paris Descartes as well as a series of public debates and discussions with leading intellectuals (past guests include Jacques Rancière, Nathalie Heinich and Olivier Voirol).

For more information and how to apply see:

Contact: Gabriel Rockhill (Villanova University)

Sponsored by Villanova University (Department of Philosophy), Université Paris Descartes and Institut Mines-Télécom (Laboratoire mixte de recherche “Sens et compréhension du monde contemporain”), and Collège International de Philosophie