Olendzki Lecture at West Chester University

The GPPC Asian and Comparative Philosophy Discussion Group invites everyone to a free public lecture:

Andrew Olendzki
(Executive Director, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies)
“Two Lectures on Unlimiting Mind
Friday, April 29, 2011
West Chester University - Philips Autograph Library
University Avenue at South High Street

Directions: http://www.wcupa.edu/_visitors/

Causation & Necessity: Historical Perspectives

Please join the GPPC and the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Philosophy for:

Causation and Necessity: Historical Perspectives
April 22, 2011 - 2pm-5pm
Cohen Hall 402
University of Pennsylvania


2:00pm: Susan Sauve Meyer (University of Pennsylvania)
"Chain of Causes: What is the Stoic Doctrine of Fate?"

3:30pm: Martin Lin (Rutgers University)
"Logical and Causal Necessity in Spinoza and Leibniz"

Reception to follow the event.

Penn Philosophy is grateful for funding provided by the Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium which makes this event possible.

For further information contact Professor Karen Detlefsen, 215.898.8563 or detlefse@phil.upenn.edu

Public Issues Forum: Philosophy, Education & Life

Free and open to the public this Saturday, April 9:
Click on picture to download poster.

Islamic Philosophy Event at Temple University

From the Temple University Philosophy Department and the Center for Humanities (CHAT):

Dimitri Gutas
(Professor of Arabic & Greco-Arabic Studies - Yale University)
"Philosophy in the Pre-Modern Islamic World:
Orientation to an Emerging Field"

Friday, April 15 - 3pm
Center for Humanities Lounge (CHAT)
Temple University Main Campus - Gladfelter Hall, 10th floor

Directions: http://www.temple.edu/humanities/about/directions/index.htm

For further information or questions, contact Prof. David Wolfsdorf: dwolfsdo@temple.edu.

Aesthetics Event at Temple

Hosted by Temple University Department of Philosophy, in conjunction with the Eastern Division meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics:

The Annual Monroe Beardsley Lecture
Dr. Robert Pippin (University of Chicago)
“After the Beautiful: Hegel and the Philosophy of Visual Modernism.”

Friday, April 8, 2011 - 5pm
Temple University Center City Campus
1515 Market Street (Room 222).

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please feel free to contact Oz Blaker at OzBlaker@temple.edu or Dr. Kristin Gjesdal at Kgjesdal@temple.edu.

Epistemology Working Group

A group for the discussion of work in progress in epistemology will meet to discuss a paper by Audre Brokes (St. Joseph's University), "Closure Schemas".

The meeting will take place at:

Swarthmore College, Papazian Building 325
Wednesday, April 13, 5pm
Please RSVP to Peter Baumann via email: pbauman1@swarthmore.edu and he will forward an electronic copy of the paper.

If you have a paper you´d like to discuss in the group, please let Professor Baumann know.

The purpose of this group is to provide space to informally discuss work in progress among philosophers in the Greater Philadelphia area (including guests) who are interested in epistemology in a broad sense (including, for example, Philosophy of Science). The group meets approximately 3 times per semester. Papers are circulated in advance so that everyone can review them before the meetings, in order that participants can jump right into the discussion when they meet.

Driving directions to Swarthmore College: http://www.swarthmore.edu/visitordash/visitors_content_directions.php